
Im not one for gossip but...

Stefano Gabbana Doesn't Know Who Stella McCartney Is?

Twitter Conversation with designer Stefano Gabbana pronounce that he does not know who Stella McCartney as proliferated on the Internet, however, looks the most like a mockery. In any case, designer shade!

Fabio Viscovo - I LOVE Stella McCartney!
Stefano Gabbana – who ??????
Fabio Viscovo – ahahaha! You don’t like Stella McCartney?!
Stefano Gabbana - Who ????? The daughter of the singer ?????
Fabio Viscovo – Yeeees! Stella McCartney, the designer !!!!!
Fabio Viscovo – Stefanoooooooo, please !!!!! You don’t know Stella’s a stylist ?????
Stefano Gabbana – What’s she known for?? What’s her specialty??
Stefano Gabbana - What sort of style does she do? What’s so special about it??
Fabio Viscovo – She makes a lot of minimalist sequined dresses… … .. they’re really feminine. They’re perfect for a nude look!
Fabio Viscovo – Come on! You’ve just got to have seen them! And although she’s really famous … she’s still an upcoming designer!
Stefano Gabbana – Yeah, she’s upcoming after 15 years doing nothing!! Hahahaha
Stefano Gabbana – Aaaaaaa …… I see you appreciate nonentities!! Bravo!

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